Our engagement
Last updated: December 20, 2024
What is TISFD?
TISFD is a global initiative to develop recommendations that enable businesses and investors to effectively identify, assess, and report on their inequality and social-related risks, opportunities, and impacts.
Why is it needed?
In many countries, inequalities in income and wealth stand at long-term record highs and many people are unable to exercise their human rights and meet their basic social and economic needs. These dynamics undermine social cohesion and stability, impede progress towards addressing climate change and increase financial risks.
What are next steps?
Following public consultation on the governance, scope and mandate of TISFD, was launched end of September 2024 with an aim to establish a global set of disclosures on inequality and social- related impacts, dependencies, risks and opportunities which will inform global standards, such as ISSB or EU CSRD.
How is Intently involved?
Intently has participated in the public consultation on the scope and mandate of the initiative and registered interest to become the supporter of the initiative and in November 2024 Intently was accepted as the member of the TISFD Alliance.
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